Making changes that are in our control

Those of us here on Earth whether we are able-bodied or not live on this Earth for some plan, some purpose, some reason. It’s about a going through an adventure to find out what that plan,purpose, reason is. I feel we have a responsibility to take care of ourselves while we’re here on this Earth.

There have been a lot of changes that have been taking place over the last months, years, weeks. Changes like we’ve been noticing things being sprayed in the sky, toxins I believe personally is what they are, chemicals and stuff being put on our food in grocery stores. I am not saying this stuff to scare people. I feel led to write this to educate people, my readers on recent things, I’ve learned. You may have already learned these so this article today is going to be about tips and tricks to help us make decisions within our control and what we can do to change the environmental factors around us to make them healthier for us so to speak.

Having cerebral palsy, being a disabled- bodied person or having some form of diagnosis or an abled- body person regardless whether you’re disabled or not, we individuals in American, people in this Earth are fighting an uphill battle. It’s kind of like saying we the people against our government so to speak. What can we do to better ourselves? Who can we turn to? We used to be able to turn to a doctor but the healthcare model today has turned to the sick model not the healthy model that it used to be.

So I can only speak from experience. I heard a dear friend teach me some things this past week that were really eye-opening. We all hear about the toxins being put on our food and the toxins being dropped from the sky that affect our environment but I got taught things from a perspective that I’ve never really thought of before and that was our bodies obviously, are not made to handle all the toxins that are being thrown at us from our environment standpoint and all the chemicals that are being put inside our food whether it’s being sprayed on injected into whatever, the lesson I got taught was there a ways different ways I didn’t know of personally on how to detox the body.

Now even though, I was born with cerebral palsy, I am being healed from cerebral palsy. One of the things I fight is what I call the giant of diabetes. Now I can tell you I go to my regular doctor who practices the sick model if you will and the way she’s been educated in school is to put the blame on me for possibly the way I’ve been eating, drinking, making it sound as if I sit on the couch and eat potato chips all day I’m just being honest and real this is the way my doctor lately has been making me feel. When in fact, the truth of the matter is diabetes is not a person’s fault it doesn’t have to do with the way you eat or how much carbs you eat I was taught over this weekend it’s the toxins and the heavy metals that are built up in the body that are causing dysfunction in the organs. How many of you have been told that by your doctor?

I know to some it may sound like I’m on a tangent but I’m just wanting to share what was shared with me. I was always taught we should just take a multivitamin vitamin b, vitamin d, vitamin c, and so forth. What I was given was I was not aware that there is a specific type of vitamin b complex that you should take to help the body absorb things. A long with a specific multivitamin with minerals never heard of such a thing. And then there’s this liquid known as zeolite and this liquid was created to detoxify the body from heavy metals from toxins used through the environmental atmosphere and to aid any side effects active charcoal I’ve never heard of these things. Have you?

There are also other ways we can change our environment and make little changes but we can control, so example cleaners household cleaners are made with lots of chemicals you can make a homemade household cleaner out of essential oil using water, vinegar, and 5 to 10 drops of essential oil such as lemon, eucalyptus, peppermint, rosemary and you have yourself a homemade clean,toxic free, cleaner to clean your house.

One might be asking do you do this? Yes I do, I do make my own household cleaners with essential oil and I am going to be taking the active charcoal and the zeolite to detox my body to rid my body of heavy metals, toxins that should not be there that are causing the problem as I said the giant of diabetes. And I will let you know how it works.

I’m writing this to bring it to people’s attention, small little decisions and choices that a person can make and has control of and to control certain things in their world.

So let me ask you do you struggle with things like an autoimmune disorder such as diabetes, mental health diagnosis such as ADHD, autism? If you answered yes research for yourself on detoxing and consider ridding yourself from toxins,heavy metals, parasites. Even mold. Be good to yourself don’t be hard on yourself there are choices one can make to help aide the body in allowing it to heal itself. Our bodies were made to heal themselves and what has occurred is it’s the toxins, the heavy metals that kind of have put a stopper so to speak or have worked like a stumbling block to stop the body from working the way it’s supposed to and from healing itself the way it’s supposed to and when we remove that stumbling block, low and behold our body then is cleared to heal itself.

I always thought that detoxing the body with juices and vegetables and water was enough just to find out that I was missing pieces of the puzzle. I’m encouraging you today by telling you that there is hope you do not have to live with autoimmune disorders, mental health disorders, neurological disorders you can be freed from this. I’m not advertising these for money I’m not promoting this stuff in any form for any gain, I’m just simply sharing what I was taught this past week. I encourage you to do your homework to look into this discover it for yourself. If I knew it was out there I would have discovered it I would have researched it myself before I had a dear friend tell me about it information is key. Happy reading everyone!

Living on a limited income

Do you struggle living on an limited income? Is it hard to follow a budget? With the economy being the way it is a lot of us have difficulty, a lot of us live paycheck to paycheck. Is there a way that we could help ourselves take the load off that we feel from the stressful strain?

Most people who live on disability know how hard it is to live on a limited income. I happen to be one of those people and I want to share with you the things that I do and have done in the past that would hopefully help anyone who may be struggling today. First of all you got to know or keep in the forefront of your mind it is not your fault for a lot of years I would beat myself up thinking that because I couldn’t work that it was my fault and I come to accept the fact that this is a way so to speak that God is providing for me on this Earth. I have had jobs in the past but because of the physical activity and the strain that it put on my body I wasn’t able to stay in those jobs for very long so I decided to get a college degree thinking that I could get a job in the field that I was going to get my bachelor’s of science healthcare degree in just to find out because of the physical limitations that show I fell victim of discrimination in the workplace.

So the following are some ways that I have learn to budget, learn to save, learn my system that I use today. When I first started out I started out with an envelope system I would assign an envelope for each bill and I still do this today with some of my bills so for example I have a garbage bill that is due every 3 months so instead of taking that full amount out of one paycheck at a time I divide the total amount that I owe into three and I set that amount aside in the envelope each month so that when it’s due it’s not that so much of a hardship on me. Another thing I was taught but is a little hard especially now that the economy has changed and the cost of living has gone up but one of the original tricks that I was taught was to pay myself out of my paycheck before I paid any bills. You might read where people say take 10% as the rule of thumb is take 10% out pay yourself and an option 10% if you tithe so technically taking 20% off the top for someone who does both off the top of their check and then pay the bills with what’s left. I have to confess it’s hard for me to do that, the government has not made it easy on anyone,especially, in the financial department we all know that but normally I have an idea of what all my bills are going to be I’ve even downgraded where I’ve had to reevaluate what I’ve had and what I could part with and what I felt I couldn’t part with so for example, we used to have cable and then the Roku box came out so we swamped our cable out with the Roku box to save some money and then we went to an antenna to help us get our local stations until, we’re able to upgrade to a smart TV I guess is what they call them.

Another trick I learned was to pay myself 10% and put 5% away or if I had say $5 bills to put those $5 bills and stash them away and an envelope or in the savings account. I realize it’s hard to cut corners and do tips and tricks to help ease some of the stress that comes with financial budgeting, but I challenge you to give these a try and see what works for you. I always tell the people that I mentor you take what I give you if it works keep it if it don’t throw it out so I’m going to give that same advice to you my readers, my listeners, I hope this helps I know and I understand that it’s hard today we just have to all do the best we can hopefully this is helpful.happy reading everyone.

Dealing with stress & personal balance

Do you feel the stress and strain of everyday life? Do you feel out of balance with life caused by the tension? Have you thought of the fact that pressure you feel affects more than you? I want to touch on these questions along with facts.

Stress is naturally apart of everyday life we all have to contend with, but, there are steps one can take and tips to try to help us cope with the pressures of life and to get ourselves back in sink so to speak.

First lets focus on the stress that can cause us to become out of balance/ studies show, 33% of people reported feeling exceedingly stressed, 77% reported physical effects they were experiencing, 73% were shown to have mental health problems due to the tension they were under, 48% communicated they struggled with sleeping problems.

Distress not only effects adults in their personal life, but in their place of employment. It also, effects our children in todays society. Our children are under a lot of pressure at school as a matter of fact studies show that pressure and strain in the high schools is the number one concern on a students health.

There has been peer pressure, bullying for years that our children have contended with and it raises a problem mentally, emotionally, and physically. It can also have some serious devastating results, such as suicide.

It has also, been discovered that the following groups experience more pressure than others. Single mothers, family caregivers, less than half of ethnic groups or the ethnic population. Along with women in general.

Finding ways to deal with anxiety , pressure such as breathing exercises, taking some “me time” can help you relax. Try to have fun and make memories during the holiday season. Happy reading everyone.

Taking care of yourself during the holiday season

It is that time once again. The holiday season is approaching very quickly I might add. I can not stress enough how important it is for us to take care of ourselves during this crazy time of year.

I personally make it a goal to have fun. I love to see the faces of my children and grandchildren light up when they receive gifts and just to try my hardest to make it a relaxing time for everyone. I believe showing gratitude is key!

There are a lot of self-help articles to pick from, I will have a reference to one as I go along. How do you all take care of yourself and make life a little easier? My husband and I create a budget and divide everything up equally between our children they each get the same amount spent on them, that way they are not mad fighting or anything else. We also set a budget for each other.

We try or like to set money side each month a few months in advance that way it is not such a strain on our monthly budget but sometimes things don’t always work the way you want them to. Speaking of that what do you do when that happens? I personal dislike curve balls.

We also like to take some “me time” out for ourselves. We go out and do something we enjoy, just to take a break and focus on each other . Holidays are very stressful but they do not necessarily have to be. There are steps one can take to help life not be stressful.

Ask yourself what would make life easier for you personally? Would it be creating a budget, putting money aside for gifts, making homemade gifts rather than buying? Doing one gift for couples? Simplifying your life to what works for you. Making boundaries, budgets, taking time out for yourself so many things we can do. See the following list.

It can get very complicated I understand that to, figuring things out making decisions, planning so much gets put on us around this time. We get so wrapped up in all the prepping and planning we can loose sight of what really matters fairly quickly, I’m only speaking from experience. How do you handle stress? I personally have to work on not letting it get the best of me. I do what I can and I gave up on having everything perfect a long time ago. Its the thought that counts, making memories with loved ones. I hope Im not making this stressful for anyone just passing along ideas that are coming to my mind. Please take what works and throw out what does not!

I believe “me time” is very important for a lot of reasons. Some like to go to the gym and have “me time” exercise I believe is a very good de-stressor. Others enjpy crafts, spending time with grandchildren is my personal favorite.

I also realize holidays can be hard and some do not like to celebrate for numbers of different reasons. Death of loved ones is particularly hard. Control what you can and let go of the stuff you can not. This is personally what my husband and I have to do to help us get through.

Is there any other things anyone does to help them be less stressed during this time? We would love to hear from you. We want to bless everyone reading these posts and hope you all find these posts helpful and if there is anything you want to read about please send a message and give me ideas. Stay goal oriented and try to relax during this time. Happy holidays everyone!

Uniqueness of Cerebral Palsy

We are all unique in our own way whether we are disabled or not. We have been created by the Creator, who, has given all of us unique characteristics, personalities, gifts and so on. Are you aware of the uniqueness of people with cerebral palsy?

It is amazing to sit and ponder the uniqueness that people who live with cerebral palsy have. What do I mean you might be asking? On the outside some of us look identical for example hemiplegia type cp involves either the left side being effected or the right side, depending on what side on the brain was effected at birth. So the outward skeletal appearance may look the same, but, the inside such as the brain is not.

One might struggle intellectually, speech wise, have trouble in mobility where another person with the exact same type looks the same on the outside but does not struggle in ways someone else might. I am one of these people. I like to say I have twins. I personally know five people who look identical to me. One has the left arm/leg effected like mine and the others are the right side effected, but on the inside we are all different. I was born with a very mild case of Cerebral Palsy that’s what the doctors called it I am independent, I am not intellectually challenged as I like to say, I don’t struggle, with a learning disorder even though I was put in special education as a child due to getting behind in school because of surgeries on my skeletal system. I still graduated full stream classes and then went on to get a college degree. Technically its three degrees, AA in healthcare administration, Bachelors of Science in healthcare admin and my writing degree. I tell you this not to brag but to show you that not all people who live with cerebral palsy struggle intellectually. Less than half of the “764,000 children & adults living with cp,”,year%20will%20develop%20Cerebral%20Palsy show that we are fully intelligent just as anyone without a brain injury.,vision%20impairment%2C%20and%20joint%20problems.

Some are artistic, have different talents, gifts, and so on. We are all different to some degree but similar in other ways. I as a lot of us have, learned to embrace who I am, I have learned to adapt to my unique situation. I do not say anymore that I have cerebral palsy its a word confession or a decree I say out loud cause as most know what happens in the physical happens in the spiritual and our words can change things in the spiritual realm. Basically what we agree with in the physical is considered a partnership in the spiritual, anyway, this is what I do personally because of my personal convictions.

One may ask, do I have to live with cerebral palsy? Could I get healed from it? I personally am living proof that no you do not have to claim to partner with it, and If you know the Lord to be your personal Lord and Savior, He will heal you. Why do I say that as I said because of my belief system and my personal convictions along with personal experiences that I have experienced.

I want to focus on how amazing it is that we are all so different. I will confess I believe its hard to watch friends struggle in different ways. As the saying goes you got to do what you got to do, we adapt, that is what makes us different from other people, we who have had to adapt are resilient. We come back from whatever life throws our way so to speak. I like to say, cp may be a part of who I am but it does not define me into the person I am. For example, if someone asked me who I am? I personally would answer, I am a highly favored child of God, who happen to be born with cp, but, I am getting healed from it. Point is you and others may answer that question differently and that’s ok. I am just wanting to point out cerebral palsy does not define who we are, our gifts, personalities, characteristics make up who we are. All this together makes each one of us unique.

So always remember no matter how if you have cerebral palsy or not have had to adapt to your situation as each person is unique do not give up, keep smiling and showing others how unique you are. Happy reading everyone!

The Power of our Words

How powerful are our words? One may not pay my attention to their words, on the other hand one may. How many of us are aware of the effects that our words we speak have on someone else let alone our own lives? I am a firm believer that words spoken are very powerful.

I know there are a lot of people who read. I have grown to enjoy reading these past few months. I was not much of a reader and I’m not sure what switched but I’m currently reading a book called blessings and cursing’s by Derek Prince. He puts a perspective on the power of our words.

I believe I mentioned that things in my life have been changing dramatically you could say. For example, I have recently been called to the ministry. I have found myself on a journey to explore the importance of my words and how to use them the right way so to speak.

Some may not believe in inner-healing, I am not trying to convivence anyone I just want to share with you my experience. In inner-healing we learn, there is power in agreements, oaths, vows, there are such things as negative soul ties, generational curses along with word curses that can be spoken and said silently. I decided I was going to put this to the test so to speak and see what if anything would happen.

To my surprise the results were powerful and to some quite shocking. In inner-healing Forgiveness is key I say there are 7 steps so to speak the first step is forgiveness. As I started my journey on forgiving, renouncing, repenting, breaking all the above curses, asking for restoration and replacement, I felt lighter as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Don’t get me wrong I was not some person that went around angry or bitter. I just decided to surrender all of myself to the Lord and as I did the steps, things changed physically, spiritually and emotionally.

I would always say I was born with CP. Until I had a missionary pray over me and my perspective changed. I now say I no longer claim to have cerebral palsy, yes, to some that may sound weird but as I said that out loud and broke things in the spirit realm I have been noticing my physical body changing. It is a fact, I was born with hemiplegia type CP but after I prayed and renounced partnership with cp I was given a miracle. I watched my leg grow out before my eye’s and I have been watching my arm straighten out slowly. Along with being healed from a seizure disorder. All because of the power of my words that I have been speaking and by faith believing. God has been answering and doing the healing in my body. He is doing it for me, He will do it for you.

There is an appointed time for everything. The question a preacher would ask is do you have enough faith to believe for a healing, miracle etc? I am forever grateful to God Almighty for healing me and for the mentors I have gotten to teach me the power of my tongue. I realize we are all at different stages in life but no matter where you are your words can be powerful and you to can move mountains so to speak.

This is just a piece or a portion of my testimony from this past summer. I’m not sure why I was suppose to share but I believe someone needed to hear it. Words are very important. Be kind to one another with your words bless people with your words and don’t curse them or cut one down. Emotional and mental abuse is very brutal and cruel.

We are all called to love one another. What a better place this world would be if everyone would get along and help each other out. There are a lot that do what I’m saying already and the truth is there are a handful of others that are not. I do not want you to get me wrong and think I’m judging, I am not. I’m plainly making a statement of how different this world would be if everyone spoken kind and caring to each other.

I want you to know as I write to you, I am also, writing to myself. I hope you all enjoyed todays topic. Now its time for me to go spread some love around. Happy reading everyone!


I hope my readers and listeners are doing well. I come to you with a heavy heart. To hear, to see and one can only imagine the hell adults and children are going through in Israel at this time.

Some might say where is God? Why would He allow such a thing? Very good questions. Where is God? He is still on His throne. If I may be so brave as to say, He is probably not happy, why do I say that because, He protects His children and the Jewish nation of Israel. We were all created with a free will, now that does not give us the right to do whatever we please it gives us the right to choose right from wrong.

As the USA grieves over the horrific acts occurring right now, so does God Almighty. His word tell us that He desires for all to be saved. What we are experiencing is signs of the end times, that are talked about in the book of Revelation. (A very hard book to understand by the way). It talks about there being wars and rumors of wars that these are signs that Jesus is coming soon.

Regardless, Im not here to preach but to tell you how saddened I am that this war is happening. I have seen first hand by inside sources missionaries the awful blood bath that is occurring and the constant struggles that are occurring. Thousands homeless, hungry, which are getting taken care of my missionaries, regardless, how sad to be pushed out of your home, your home town with no where to go.

All we can do is pray and seek the King of Kings. We do not always know why things happened the way they do, but we can have faith and trust in the Creator of Heaven and earth that He will take care of us.

I hope you are all doing good and that these events in the middle east are not effecting you to much, even though war effects everyone somehow, someway. Stay safe. Happy reading everyone

Not feeling heard

Do you feel heard by others? Do you not feel heard? It is vitally important that we all feel heard. The fact of the matter is there is a lot of people disabled and non-disabled for that matter that most do not feel heard.

The truth of the matter is every person should feel heard. I personally believe it all starts with us, teaching others how to communicate with us. I know I get looks and people have a tendency whether unaware or not to make me feel inadequate. Those awkward moments I personally dislike.

A lot of people do not know how to start a conversation or know how they think they should start communicating with a person with a disability. I do not feel I am alone in this. I do not know one disabled person whom does not feel the way I do on this topic.

We are all the same no matter our disability, our color we should treat everyone with dignity and respect. What do we do ? What can we do? If you are an abled-bodied person reading this or listening know you can communicate to us whom have a disability just as you would your family, friends, co-workers, ect.

We who struggle with any form of disability we do not bite so to speak and we want to be treated like everyone else. Do not be afraid to talk to us as something is wrong with us. Just because we may have some form of inability does not mean that we are not intellectually aware of what is going on or realize how we are feeling in those awkward moment.

I believe it starts with teaching other how to effectively communicate and effectively listen. I believe in some cases it can be hard for an abled-bodied person to listen to someone who is different than they are. Am I alone thinking this way? I do not think so, I just do not think that this type of topic is talked about that much.

There could be a variety of reasons for this, no one is pointing the blame in any particular area. I will speak from experience though. I grew up in a fairly small town where the majority of kids my age were abled-bodied and the minority struggled somehow, someway. The verdict is that there were not very many kids let alone people who had to interact with us. Looking back even to when my children were in school its sad that the minority always got placed way from other abled-bodied children.

By simply saying hi how are you? Is enough to break the ice and break the weird vibes that people since in those moments. What separates us from abled-bodied individuals is only our struggles, so, for example one may struggling with talking that may be the only thing. Ask yourself would you not like to be acknowledged if you had a speech problem?

This can be a hard topic I understand, but, a lot of people do not think about this stuff or know how to interact for the simple fact that were never taught or they could have never have encountered this issue before. Simply put, do not be afraid to start a conversation with a disabled or should we say a different abled person.

This is precisely why I taught myself sign language so I could communicate with people different than me and oh how handy it came in to play in my life while I was a personal care attendant at a group home. After all we never really know what life is going to throw our way so to speak. I personally, like to be prepared but that’s not always the case.

The next time you see someone who struggles, take time to make that persons day and say hi, it will make all the difference to that person. Happy ready/listening everyone!

Getting the most out of life

I present this question this morning, how do you my readers get the most out of life? It is a loaded question, but, have you pondered that question?

Life is short. Everyone is at a different stage in life but regardless where you are everyone can and should ponder that question.

What to you is the best way for you to get the most out of life? I can only speak for myself, that would first involve my faith. My question is am I doing all I can to get the most out of life?

For me this would look something like praying and spending quality devotional time with Jesus Christ first thing and doing what is in my control to put my ducks in order so to speak. Before going about my day.

I have found when I do this personally my day goes much better. For someone else it might look totally different.

All I’m saying is I want to aim to do my very best. I am far from perfect, I make mistakes, but who doesn’t we are all human.

I personally find it challenging to communicate with this younger generation we older peps would refer to children and grandchildren, which, I find odd,because, I raised my children as I was raised. However, society has seem to impact them with this entitlement that it makes it hard at times to do my best to get the most out of certain areas in my life.

I would like to think I’m not alone in this area, has anyone else struggled to gain a foot hold so to speak on different areas of your life?

For me getting the most out of life is doing my best to help and reach out to help in whatever way I can but at the same time practicing healthy boundaries and taking care of myself so I can help others.

When I was a young mother, I had a wise lady say to me you got to take care of yourself first so that you can help others, you can not be any help to others if you are not taking care of you. That has always stuck with me, especially being a single mother at that time.

Do yourself a favor, do something for yourself this day and be kind to yourself. Do your best to care for yourself so you can do what you can to get the most out of life.

I personally help people and I get rewarded by watching how I was a part of the change in their lives. Happy reading everyone!

My new rollercoaster

I want to talk about change in life. Nothing stays the same. There, is always something occurring to cause change in our lives. Not to mention we need to learn to adapt to change , which, I might add, can be hard for some. I do struggle with that one from time to time.

What do you do when change occurs? Is it easy for you to go with the flow and change with the changes, or is it difficult for you to adapt? If you chose the latter you are not alone. I know personally, especially, when I was younger, it was hard for me to adapt. I always felt I needed to be in control of my surroundings. As I’ve gotten older that has changed I’ve learned to ride the wave so to speak and go with the flow to ask myself is this something I can control or not? if the answer is no, I simple let it go.

Some may ask how can you do that? I have learned to trust in my Lord and Savior and activate my faith. It is not always easy but never the less its my simple solution. Especially with all the crazy things going on in the world it is important for me to be able to trust in someone. I do not want you to get me wrong here, let me be clear I am not talking about religion, I am talking about a relationship.

I realize not all of you are going to agree with me but I am firm in my foundation, my relationship. Some may find it down right crazy that’s, okay. Others may ask what happened to you? Good question. If you have read the background or my bio you all know Im a Christian, have been for 31 years. Some may not believe that God Almighty still heals, but Im telling you that He does. I have experienced healing in my body along with miracles these past few months that have been life changing . That’s one reason I’ve been so silent or absent should we say.

I, simply feeling compelled to tell you all what happen to me nothing more. Anyway, it got me thinking at how much change and perspective, can change ones life. Its like a domino effect one decision on our part or someone in close connection to us can put everything in motion which causes change to occur in our lives. Change is a broad term . I realize, its a general term but it could be a variety of different things emotionally, mentally, physically, and yes even spiritually.

I got to the point in my life where I got tired of trying to control ever aspect of my world and just decided to let go and let the dominos if you will, fall wherever, they wanted to. I discovered I felt so much more relaxed and not as stressed out all the time. This alone changed my life. Then you can add the power of pray on top of that and everything flipped upside down.

As I mentioned if you read the bio I believe it is in there that I was born with hemiplegia type cerebral palsy along with a seizure disorder, well, thanks to my Lord and Savior I no longer have a seizure disorder and my legs are no longer a 1/2″ off one another rather they are both the same length now. As I said a wild roller coaster.

Change can be scary, but it does not have to be. I have discovered it can be fun and adventurous as well.

I hope all of my readers are doing well and if you are interested in anything I wrote about tonight, please send me any questions at all I’ll do my best to answer them. I would love to hear of any ideas you would like me to write about.

Happy reading! John 3:16, for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever should call on Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life.