writing services

Has there been times you have wanted to inquire more for your company? Have you thought of e-newsletters ? Have you wondered where to go to find someone to provide the service for you?  Freelance writers, e-blasts, bloggers are everywhere today. I happen to be one of them. I enjoy writing for others and sharing my knowledge and education when or if appropriate, along with my life experiences with others and would love to hear from others and learn from others as well. things I enjoy to write about is the health care Industry, parenting, serving and my experience with mental health, cooking and health living. I am open to writing a blog, short story, e-blast on any business, personal, professional topic. My motto is to share, to learn and educational. this helps others grow in knowledge, understanding and wisdom. I look forward to hearing about your thoughts and would love to hear from anyone who wants to share.  🙂


First blog post

This is the post excerpt.

Changing my focus. Wanting to focus on me as a person with a disability known as cerebral palsy. Please do not think I’m looking for pity cuz that’s far from the truth. I want to shed light on a very known disease children get either before, during or after birth due to complications at birth most cases due to a lack of oxygen. On this page you will find fun facts about cp and how to cope along with everything that comes with it. This page is me living my unique life with cerebral palsy. Want to follow my journey continue following my blog. Happy reading.
